lundi 21 septembre 2020

The second part of the liberation of France in 1944: Operation Lüttich, another sabotage by Hitler


I talked about the first part of the liberation of France in my article on the landing. I thought that after that, things weren't so interesting anymore. But when I watched a documentary in the summer of 2019, I realized that there were a few elements worthy of interest that showed once again that Hitler was an agent in the service of the elite.

This documentary was about Operation Lüttich, decided by Hitler and which took place from August 7 to 13, 1944, just one week after the Allies began to break through the front in southern Normandy. Some could think it is only one battle among others, and therefore only of moderate interest. That's what I thought at the beginning of the documentary. But in fact, it was this battle that decided of the rest of the French campaign and was the last major battle at that time.

The situation was as follows. After the landing on June 6, 1944, the Allies advanced for two or three weeks. Then they were stuck in the Normandy bocage and could only advance very slowly for about a month (June-July).

Then, between 25 and 31 July, they finally managed to make a breakthrough to the south-west of the front, towards Avranches (Operation Cobra). At the beginning of August, they began to spread south, east and north.


The situation is then catastrophic for the Germans. Indeed, if they stay on their positions, they are sure to be surrounded and lose more than half of their troops, or even almost all of them. Here is the front line as of July 31:




What is almost certain to happen is a large encircling movement on the part of the allies (red arrow).